Talkspace on Preparing Students For College Away From Home
Pursuing higher education helps new highschool graduates gain the necessary skills they need to survive in the adult world. For some, this might be a time of independence where they can finally break free from the control of their parents, a quality much needed to survive the “adult world.”
Due to the worldwide health crisis, countless college students have been forced to stay at home and take online courses. While this can be seen as a convenience of sorts, there has been an obvious sense of disapproval among students everywhere. Online therapy app Talkspace shows the nation exactly how the situation affects students pursuing higher education.
Over the course of this year, the lives of students were put to a halt. Graduating students were not given the proper send-off that they desired, students were forced to return home, and the virus ran rampant in plenty of campuses. These sudden changes have left many feeling confused and disappointed, but in these times it is important to stay hopeful and connected.
Returning Home
College means different things to everyone, but the most common definition by far is “freedom.” Without the supervision of an adult and in a campus full of students in a similar situation, many find themselves learning what it takes to survive. This may mean getting a job and becoming self-sufficient or even learning how to prepare a meal.
With the sudden request to return home, students everywhere are finding it somewhat difficult to cope. Of course, there are a select few students who may be enthusiastic about spending extra time with the family, but for most, this experience may be one of the most difficult challenges to overcome. Not having a choice in the matter can be frustrating, especially when you have decided to leave the home of your own accord, yet there is still hope for a pleasant experience.
Be aware that this experience is new for your family as well. They are not accustomed to living with their adult child, and as such, it may take some time for everyone to become adjusted. Here are a few things you can do to make your stay at home a pleasant experience:
- Set clear boundaries: You might often find that your family is unaware of your schedule and pops into your room at the least optimal times. To avoid this, simply discuss your daily schedule with your family members and be sure to let them know when it will be optimal for conversations. If there is anything that you feel uncomfortable discussing with them, try to avoid such topics.
- Maintain your relationships: While living at home, you may not be inclined to stay connected to your friends from college. Maintaining constant communication with your support network can help ease the strain of living at home during your college experience.
Caring for Your Mental Health
The sudden changes and uncertainties of the future can have a negative effect on your overall mental health. It is completely fine to feel disappointed or saddened over the loss of events, or even your college experience. By this time, you may find that you have forgotten what it was like to live on-campus, however, stay hopeful that you will return soon.
It is important to accept your feelings, and while there may be more prominent problems in the world than the lack of independence, acknowledging your feelings will make the experience easier. This is where having a support system is handy. Communicating your fears and worries to a friend may bring a sense of relief knowing that there are others in the same boat as you. Talkspace mentions a few other ways of caring for your mental health such as being active, engaging in activities that you enjoy, setting a daily routine, and limiting your intake of news.
By structuring your days and keeping both your mind and body active, you will be surprised to see just how quickly time will fly. If you ever need someone to speak to, ensure that you have access to a mental health professional. While it may be difficult to schedule an in-person appointment, countless offices have adapted to telehealth methods where you can schedule a virtual session with your therapist.