
How to Speed Up Your Front End Web Development?


People love websites that are high-performing, responsive, and compatible with various browsers. Expeditious front end development means using advanced tools and best practices to develop applications faster that save time and streamline the development process. Hiring an experienced and reputed front end web development company would help you get applications that deliver an excellent user experience.

With modern frontend development adopting a component-based design facilitating modular development, your team of developers can use BIT- a standard infrastructure for reusable components. Reusing codes, CSS libraries and other open-source plugins can easily scale up the development process.

Some Must-use Tools for Optimizing Front end Development:

Free CSS Libraries

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets libraries are pre-built CSS codebases that can be used for free to define websites and edit according to project requirements. Although each application would need some custom coding, using reusable pre-built codes is a wise decision as it saves a lot of time and effort. Developers can check out Normalize.css to render HTML 5 uniformly on all browsers or use Bootstrap to build responsive websites.

Grid and Animation Libraries

If you are looking for libraries that help build layouts on a series of grids, experienced frontend developers of a leading front end web development company go for Semantic Grid System that uses HTML5 elements with various options. You can use a CSS preprocessor that would save more time in the development. Developers looking for animating page elements without JavaScript can use Animate.css for animated effects.

Reusable Snippets

Using pre-built code snippets can be a great way to save time. Developers may use Coda or Dreamweaver for custom code snippets supported internally by these languages. Bookmarking online resources like Toolbox, Leftovers, Writing can help developers store code snippets. Besides this, it would help developers to create their snippets libraries using CodePen, CSS-Tricks website, CSS Deck (cloud IDE), and Eric Meyer CSS reset to pick and organize various relevant solutions.

Sass and Compass

Sass (Syntactically awesome style sheets) is a preprocessor scripting language used for developing CSS, making them well-organized and easier to maintain. The language comes with mixins, selector inheritance, and nested rules. The Compass is an open-source framework for CSS editing that saves a considerable amount of time for developers.

Netlify and Vercel

If you are looking to build and deploy static websites without the hassle of complex server configuration and microservices, Netlify and Vercel offer superb class hosting platforms. Netlify and Vercel are deployment platforms that come with GitHub-integrated workflow, serverless functions support, and different APIs.

Stencil and Svelte

Stencil is a web component compiler used to build fast, reusable UI components with progressive web apps. It uses TypeScript, a one-way data binding, a tiny virtual DOM layer, server rendering, and lazy loading to generate web components.

Svelte is an open-source compiler used for faster UI development. It is a gen-next tool that converts components into JavaScript and updates the DOM clinically with the changes in the state of your application.

Besides these, UI developers can use fast testing tools like Jest and Cypress, and Sentry for front-end and full-stack app monitoring.

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