
How First Impression Can Influence Feature Adoption Rates?

Feature adoption is important to the success of your product. You put in many months behind the development of each feature. So you don’t want your users to ignore them. It is also important to realize that from the customer’s perspective paying for unused features lowers the perceived value. It can have a huge impact on their willingness to renew at all or renew at the same price.

Create a Positive First Impression

Creating a positive first impression and giving your users a quick win is one of the most important steps to improving feature adoption. The first time they log in, the product features must blow their mind away. 

  • It will set the standard for further interactions
  • It will ensure that your users will stick around more often and longer
  • It is important to offer value right away to keep them returning

Creating a positive impression may also require the use of the right feature adoption software. It is crucial to create the ‘wow’ factor to drive engagement and make sure that your users stick around.You must make your users realize that they cannot do withoutthe feature.

How to Create the Wow Factor?

If you intend to provide your users with instant value, you must first figure out what that value should be. Determine why a feature is so valuable. You must also determine one goal that your users must be able to achieve through that feature.

The answers to these questions can be determined through research. It will be required to conduct surveys involving your most loyal customers. Find out what makes them keep returning back to the feature or product. It is even better to use feature adoption software that can monitor user behavior. Such software allows you to identify what your most active users do first. It can help you identify the ‘wow’ moment drive feature adoption.

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